Restoring old photos using Adobe Photoshop. Doing this task is a favorite of mine as I love every detail of making things look fine. What I love to hear is when a customer is satisfied with the photo restoration that I can save their old photos. Brings back old memory lane.

WordPress website creation
- web Development
- Elementor
- WordPress
Why you should switch to WordPress? gives you the flexibility of customizing your website using a Free WordPress theme or a Premium WordPress theme.
Social Media management
- social media management
Social Media Management using Instagram, posting photos, searching for hashtags, following people, gathering followers, leaving valuable comments to other users or engagement.

kind words by clients
Roxanne was hired by Dark Iron Fitness specifically to write blog content for the website.
Her tasks included :
- Gathering information about a topic
- Compiling that information into a blog post
- Making sure that blog post was targeted in a SEO format
Based on this outline Roxanne completed these tasks effectively.
Roxanne was very polite and easy to communicate with when working together and followed instructions well while also completing tasks on time and even early.
I would have liked to have seen a little more creativity or individuality in her blog post creation but she wasn’t hired to do so and wasn’t expected of her to do so.
We ended employment with Roxanne due to not needing any more content creation at the time.
Overall Roxanne was effective at the tasks that were handed to her and I would consider hiring her again if I needed a position filled and thought it fit her skills.

Alan Hayden
Founder - Dark Iron Fitness
Roxanne was instrumental in helping me get my publishing business off the ground. There were a wide variety of tasks that I needed help with including web research, data entry, managing email inquiries, publishing articles in WordPress, configuring themes and plugins as well as creating graphics for particular articles. No matter what I threw her way and how many times I changed what the priority was, she was always very professional, positive and hard working.

Alex Wideman
Founder - Trusight Media
Roxanne was very valuable to my team because there wasn't anything she could not do for me. Professional, intelligent, and well-versed in all aspects of SEO, website building, article and blog commenting, and link building. Also an excellent graphic artist, Roxanne was able to establish several link wheels and increase rankings for my websites. Always able to meet deadlines and often providing good advice and suggestions better SEO.

George Smith
Upwork Client
Roxanne did amazing work, super fast, made endless revisions, and did it all with a great attitude. The end result was excellent and I paid her a bonus.

Mark - Good Stuff Company
Upwork Client